Your ultimate solutions

To protect your assets

For large or small projects when you partner with us you will get the complete solution. We are working to provide a streamlined and fast process.

About us

  • We are a seasoned results-driven company with over 18 years of experience in strategic management, including collection and risk management.                                                                                
  • Proactive planners with expertise in strategic planning, delay management skills, market analysis, and team supervision.                                                               
  • Efficient in achieving collection targets, providing the necessary assistance and ensuring that the organization’s collection targets are achieved within the specified time frame.                                                       
  • Exceptional communication and representation skills with demonstrated abilities in coaching and managing teams.               
  • Ability to identify skip cases quickly and professionally.

Company's Services

Debt collection for companies and institutions

Aman Company offers specialized services in debt collection for companies and institutions through effective and innovative methods

Debt management and financial settlements

Aman Company provides comprehensive debt management services, including debt settlements and suitable repayment plans for clients

Providing financial and legal consulting services

Aman Company provides specialized consulting services in financial and legal fields to assist clients in understanding their rights and financial obligations

Company's Portfolio

A presentation of real-life examples of the company's work in the fields of debt collection and financial management

Client Portfolio

The client portfolio is a platform through which success stories and positive experiences lived by the company's clients can be displayed.

Clients reviews

Clients reviews constitute an important part of the client showcase, as they help clarify customers' experiences with the company and the impact of its services transparently.

عبد الرحمن الغامدي
عبد الرحمن الغامدي
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"تجربة رائعة مع شركة آمان لتحصيل الديون! كانوا سريعين واحترافيين، وساعدوني في حل مشاكل ديوني بسهولة. أوصي بشدة بخدماتهم!"
نورة الشمري
نورة الشمري
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"تفوقت شركة آمان لتحصيل الديون عن توقعاتي! كان فريقهم مهذبًا وفعّالًا في التعامل مع ديوني. أنا أقدر تفانيهم وبالتأكيد سأستخدم خدماتهم مرة أخرى."
محمد العتيبي
محمد العتيبي
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"أنا معجب بالاحترافية التي تتمتع بها شركة آمان لتحصيل الديون. قدموا لي حلولًا مخصصة لإدارة ديوني بكفاءة. كانت تواصلهم واضحة، وكانت العملية بدون متاعب. أوصي بهم بشدة!"
John Doe
John Doe@username
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Would you like to join us?

We believe our employees are our greatest asset, and we strive to provide a supportive and attractive work environment. Don't hesitate to join us!

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